Virginia lawmakers to consider reducing penalty for assaulting police

Virginia lawmakers plan to take up dozens of criminal justice reforms during a special legislative session this week, but one proposal in particular is expected to spark an intense battle: a push to change a law that allows police to charge people with felony assault even if the arresting officers are not seriously hurt.

George Floyd's family gathers in Richmond to unveil hologram

The family of George Floyd witnessed the unveiling of a hologram in Virginia Tuesday night, where flickering lights came together to create an image of Floyd's head and shoulders transposed over the Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee statue.

Richmond removing statue of Confederate JEB Stuart

Work crews in Richmond began taking down an enormous monument to Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart on Tuesday, the third major statue to be cleared away in less than a week, as the Confederacy's former capital rushes to remove symbols of oppression in response to protests against police brutality and racism.