DC-area police see younger teens carjacking cars

DC Police Chief Robert Contee recently formed a Carjacking Task Force in response to the explosion of carjackings in the DC region over the past year. As more arrests come down, police are also seeing people as young as 16, 15 and 14-years-old be charged in these carjackings -- some suspects not even old enough to drive.

Body shops seeing damaged cars across DC region amid winter storm

There have been crashes all over the D.C. region after this morning's winter storm.                  The video above was taken earlier today at Total Recon in Rockville where crews had to carry in the front of the car, then drive the rest of it up to the garage! 

Montgomery County getting 1,000 fewer doses this week

In a Monday virtual news conference, Montgomery County leaders confirmed that in the race to vaccinate more Marylanders, the state’s most populous jurisdiction was actually told it would receive 1,000 fewer vaccines this week. 

Local breweries highlight FeBREWary offers

You can take a tour of local breweries and try some new flavors to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the C&O canal. A new trail takes you to places in Montgomery County, Frederick County and more. Smoketown Brewery's Jake Blackmon joined Fox 5 DC