As sales peak, gun restrictions come under fire during pandemic

Gun and ammunition sales are hitting records during the pandemic, even as states attempt to taper back sales. Matt Larosiere, senior contributor at Young Voices and director of legal policy at the Firearm Policy Coalition, joined Jim on The Final 5 to look at the numbers and break down the trends.

Former Congresswoman says administration getting COVID-19 response right.

Even as projected deaths from coronavirus on the decline, many continue to question the administration’s response to the pandemic. Former GOP Congresswoman Nan Hayworth joined Jim on The Final 5 to offer her perspective, and how she believes Congress should approach the economic recovery efforts.

Who’s calling the shots when it comes to science?

Government scientists have been under the microscope when it comes to making calls on public health and business during the COVID-19-related shutdowns across the nation. Bina Venkataraman, editorial page editor of the Boston Globe and author, joined Jim on The Final 5 to make her case why President Trump should let the doctors and scientists lead the way as the nation adjusts to a new normal.

Biden urged to choose black woman as running mate

Hundreds of women have signed an open letter to former Vice President Joe Biden urging him to consider an African-American female running mate. What names are leading the pack? Attorney and former prosecutor Debbie Hines joined Jim on The Final 5 to look at the state of the race, and also whether sexual assault allegations made against Biden could weigh on the race.

Concern over second wave of coronavirus

As the government and states start talks of reopening, there is concern over a second wave coronavirus later this year. Author and epidemiologist Dr. Paul Zeitz joins FOX 5's Marina Marraco on The Final 5 to talk about his insights in detail.

Female leaders gaining national attention during pandemic

State and local officials are playing major roles in fighting the coronavirus and leading their constituents through the battle. That list includes several high-profile women who are getting things done and bringing together leaders from both sides of the aisle. Amanda Hunter from the Barbara Lee Family Foundation, which is partnering with American University for the Gender on the Ballot initiative, joined Jim on The Final 5 to run down a few of those names, which include Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Helping those in recovery in a stay-at-home world

With programs for those dealing with addiction-related issues imperiled by the coronavirus pandemic, one nationwide non-profit is using technology to offer help online. The Phoenix, founded by Scott Strode, is a massive social community offering free services and programs to those seeking sobriety. Strode joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about how the pandemic has changed how he runs the program. (More information:

From social distancing to government help, partisan gridlock abounds

With protests popping up around the country against ongoing safety measures against COVID-19, and the ongoing dispute over whether Democrats or Republicans are responsible for holding up billions of dollars in aid for Americans and small businesses, this could be a pivotal week in Washington. Curt Mills, senior writer at the American Conservative, joins Jim on The Fina l5 to offer his perspective on what could happen as the country continues through uncertain times.

Dems react to Obama endorsement of Biden

Former President Barack Obama’s endorsement of his ex-VP Joe Biden was not unexpected, but it comes during a tumultuous time. Democratic strategist Kevin Walling joined Jim on The Final 5 to explain what took so long, and who could top Biden’s wish list for vice president.

Former Rep. Brat outlines economic pain of COVID-19

As the back and forth over re-opening America’s economy amid the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic continues, a former Virginia GOP congressman says one of the major problems is a lack of insight on the balance of economic pain against the continued health risk. Dave Brat, now dean of Liberty University’s School of Business, joined Jim Lokay on The Final 5 to explain.

Tim Young: Bernie’s exit won’t help Dems

While some Democrats are hopeful that voters will coalesce behind Joe Biden as their party’s nominee, some aren’t so sure. That includes FOX 5 contributor Tim Young, who joined Jim on The Final 5, for what this means for November and beyond.

Vets’ in need getting high-tech help

As America continues to deal with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, calls to crisis hotlines for military veterans went up 12 percent in recent weeks. Now, the non-profit No Vet Alone is working with vets in need to provide online counseling with a unique twist. Theo VanOver, one of those vets, joined Jim on The Final 5 to explain what the Life Aid program is all about. (More info:

With Bernie out, Dems plot November strategy

As Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) exits the presidential sweepstakes, former Vice President Joe Biden becomes the presumptive Democratic nominee. But with many of Sanders’ supporters unenthusiastic about Biden’s candidacy, how can Democrats form a coalition against President Trump? Strategist Dave Brown joined Jim on #TheFinal5 to break it down.

Some seniors facing lonely times amid outbreak

With Passover and Easter upon us, many seniors will find themselves without family as social distancing and quarantine considerations change our ways of life. Mark Merida of the non-profit DOROT joined Jim on The Final 5 to explain how the group is reaching out to younger generations to bridge the digital divide when it’s most needed.

Journalist covering coronavirus details her own first-hand battle with COVID-19

She covered the coronavirus outbreak from the start, but Aria Bendix soon learned she herself became a statistic. The senior innovation reporter at Business Insider, Bendix detailed her fight, the fear, the uncertainty, and what Americans should know about COVID-19, when she joined Jim Lokay on “The Final 5.”

Former Congressman on small businesses affected by coronavirus

With small businesses across America facing devastating effects of the coronavirus, the recently-passed CARES Act offers some help — but navigating the legislation could be a problem. Former Maryland Congressman John Delaney, who launched several companies prior to his political career, joined Jim to lay out ways to help affected workers.

Running for re-election in the face of coronavirus

With the line between policy and politics blurred, President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis will factor heavily into his bid for a second term. Republican pollster and WPA Intelligence CEO Chris Wilson joined Jim Lokay on “The Final 5” to explain what the President’s strategy will be moving forward, and how a Trump/Biden showdown could look, even as the crisis continues.

Coronavirus Pandemic

The number of coronavirus cases is rapidly increasing across the U.S. Health experts say the worst is yet to come and we are still potentially weeks from the peak number of cases with no vaccine or treatment in sight. The only hope to control this virus is that people stay home. Disease specialist and surgeon Dr. Azadeh Shirazi joins Marina Marraco on The Final 5 to talk about what the next few weeks might look like.

Record unemployment signals long road for U.S. economy

Nearly 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment, in the first report since the coronavirus outbreak led to massive closures and work disruptions across the country. What does this spell for the next few months? Michael Farren from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University joined Jim on The Final 5 to break it down.

Full steam ahead for Census, even in face of COVID-19

The decennial count of Americans got underway earlier this year, coinciding with the coronavirus crisis. Still, the Census Bureau maintains its mission is vital, and is taking some steps as it continues its constitutionally-mandated duties. Michael Cook, public information officer for the Census Bureau, joined Jim on The Final 5 to break it all down. (More information: