Report: DC tops the charts when it comes to childcare costs
WASHINGTON - A report from Business Broker Network reports that Washington, D.C. ranks at the top of the list when it comes to the average cost for childcare.
The study looked at data collected from annual reports on childcare costs, based on a family with both an infant and a toddler.
The study found that while on the whole, east coast areas proved to be the most expensive for childcare, D.C. came in first at nearly $3,000 each month, far surpassing next in line Massachusetts and New York, which both came in at over $2,000, by over $500.
The study estimates that the annual cost for childcare for a family with a toddler and an infant costs $35,782 in the District. This is over $14,000 more than either Maryland or Virginia. Maryland totals on average at $21,261, and Virginia at $19,968, according to the findings.
By contrast, six states with the least expensive cost of childcare are all in the south. These include Kentucky, South Carolina, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. However, the cost of living in these areas are also significantly less.
But, when the cost of living is factored in, the percentage of childcare costs, D.C. costs still top the list, at over a quarter of average family income. Maryland ranks at 20 percent of average income, and Virginia at 19 percent.
The study also looked at the cost of child-care at a center versus at an in-home caregiver or nanny. Center-based care was found to be 36 percent higher than home-based care in both D.C. and Maryland. Virginia was slightly less at 27 percent.
Business Broker Network has the full rankings and more information on the report.