Rent in Arlington more expensive than DC, study says
DC's biggest landlords accused of illegally raising rent
D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb is suing the RealPage Inc. and 14 of the largest residential landlords in the District. FOX 5's Lili Zheng let's us know why this is happening now.
WASHINGTON - Arlington came in as the seventh-priciest rental market in the country – higher than Washington, D.C. – in a recent study.
Rental website Zumper compared the median rent prices for one-bedrooms in 100 U.S. cities and localities for February 2024.
According to the study, the median one-bedroom apartment is $2,330 in Arlington, up 2.2% over last year.
D.C.'s median one-bedroom apartment cost was $2,250, ranking ninth on the list. Year over year prices dropped by 1.7% in the District, following a national trend of falling rents.
"February marks the 5th continuous month of either flat or negative monthly changes for the national rent index," Zumper noted. "One-bedrooms decreased 0.9% to $1,482, while two-bedrooms dropped 0.5% to $1,837."
The three most expensive cities were New York City at $4,200, Jersey City at $3,140 and San Francisco at $2,900.