Maryland and Virginia in top 5 for best states for teachers
How much teachers make in DC, Maryland & Virginia
Washington, D.C. has been ranked in the top five average teacher salaries in the country.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Maryland and Virginia were both listed in the top five best states for teachers, according to a study.
The survey assessed various metrics to determine the ranking, including average salary, income growth potential, average pension, and more. According to the report, Virginia is ranked as the third-best state for teachers and also has the highest income growth potential in the country. The average starting salary for teachers in Virginia is $45,141 and ranks 13th in the nation.
New York is ranked as the best state for teachers and Washington is the second-best. According to the analysis, New York is also the highest average annual salary for public school teachers after adjusting for the cost of living, at $82,571.
Washington, D.C. landed at 46 on the list with the second highest student-teacher ratio. The district fell at the tail end of the list, with Maine being listed as one of the worst states for teachers at 51.