Family offers $500 reward for lost teddy bear

It was a two-week family trip to Walt Disney World, but the ride back home ended in tears.

"As we're traveling north down I-77, my daughter's yelling because we can't find her baby bear," says Amy Earley.

After ripping the family car apart, there was only one thing the parents could do for their daughter.

They backtracked.

"It wasn't at the hotel, it wasn't at the gas station."

They realized the bear had been thrown out an open window at some point on the car ride home.

Amy sent out a plea on Facebook, asking for help tracking down the beloved baby bear.

"We've had a lot of people offering up lookalikes and alternatives."

But lookalikes just won't do. The Earley family now offering a reward of $500 to bring "baby bear" home.

"To see her at night mostly inconsolable it was heartbreaking."

Their little girl just wants her baby bear home.

"We got it when she was born three years ago. She was pretty upset to have lost it."
