Bethesda-Chevy Chase student charged after bringing Airsoft gun to school: police

Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School went on lockdown Tuesday after administrators received a report that there was a weapon on campus. 

After investigating, police determined that a student had an Airsoft gun on campus that looked very real. He's now facing charges of possession of a concealed weapon, possession of a weapon on school grounds and disrupting school activities.

In a letter to families sent in the last half hour, B-CC’s assistant principal told the community a student alerted administrators about someone with a gun in their backpack at 10:10 a.m. 

The lockdown then began at 10:20 a.m. and was lifted about an hour later when police notified school officials that a student with that replica gun had been detained, found with help from their parents.

Police say the 15-year-old suspect was arrested in Bethesda, off school grounds.

Scary moments inside

What they're saying:

Understandably, all of this has been scary and stressful for students, parents and community members.

"An announcement came on and everybody ran into the nearest classroom. We all ran into a closet, the lights were off and they put on the announcements that we're under lockdown and we can't leave," one student told FOX 5.

Another student showed FOX 5 text messages she sent to her parents. In it, she said, "I don't feel safe now - like actually. I was running to a classroom, everyone in the hallway running and freaking out, pushing each other."

"I don't think this is going to be an original point but it's terrifying to think that so many weapons are circulating, especially where it's supposed to be a safe place for kids to learn and I just hope it doesn't happen again," another student said.

Some students made the decision to leave the school entirely.

"We were in transition period from third period to fourth and I was really scared, so I just left the school because last time this happened it was really threatening to my safety," said another student who spoke with FOX 5. "I felt really scared, so I thought it was best to leave the school this time."

Second threat for students

Last Week's Lockdown:

This lockdown comes just a week after a brawl near the school led to reports of gunfire on Wednesday morning, triggering a lockdown as police responded to the scene.

Montgomery County police said the incident occurred around 10 a.m. in the 4700 block of Chase Avenue. 

According to Admiral Security Services, multiple individuals dressed in black and wearing masks were involved in the large fight when gunshots were reportedly fired. 

No one was hurt but two B-CC students were arrested in that case and it is still not clear if a loaded gun was inside the school on that day.

What's Next?

Public Safety Meeting:

There is a public safety meeting at the high school next Tuesday at 7 p.m. with Montgomery County Police, National Park Police, MCPS security and councilmember Andrew Friedson for families to discuss concerns and get some answers about keeping kids safe in school. 

In the meantime, school administrators say there will be an increased and visible police presence around Bethesda-Chevy Chase.

Crime and Public SafetyMontgomery County Public SchoolsNews