Man directed wife to decapitate her lover after he killed him: cops
A woman was beaten and then forced to behead her lover after her husband found out she was having an affair, police said.
‘He is at peace’: ICU nurses use signs to communicate with family of man dying from COVID-19
After Rene Johnson contracted COVID-19 and was admitted to his local hospital this month experiencing trouble breathing, his family made sure to be there for him even if the circumstances of the pandemic forced physical distance between them.
Teen invited to apply for police job after finding $135,000 in cash on the ground and turning it in
José Nuñez Romaniz, who studies criminal justice, was invited to apply for a job as a public safety officer in Albuquerque.
Sanders with edge in two new polls in NH; Buttigieg edges Sanders in a third
Two new polls released Saturday and Friday night indicate Sen.
New Hampshire baby delivered along I-93 Christmas morning
It wasn’t a case of no room at the inn, or this case the hospital, but rather of the baby just wanted to be born quicker than they could get there.
Woman who decorated son’s grave with skeleton coming out of ground for Halloween says cemetery threw it away
A New Hampshire woman said she was taken by surprise when decorations she placed on her son’s grave depicting a skeleton popping out of the ground were removed and placed in the trash.
2-year-old dies after being left in hot car for hours, police say; caregiver faces felony charges
A caregiver faces felony charges after a 2-year-old girl died because she was left in a hot car for hours in New Mexico.