Fact-check: Trump's impeachment defense

President Donald Trump's lawyers opened his Senate impeachment defense Saturday with the false assertion that Democrats tried to shut the president's team out of the congressional inquiry that preceded the charges.

Report: Recording links Trump to Ukraine ambassador ouster

In the conversation, Trump demanded the removal of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. The recording appears to contradict the president's statements that he did not know Parnas, a key figure in the investigation.

Senate Majority Leader McConnell backs off, abruptly eases impeachment trial limits

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell abruptly backed off some of his proposed rules for President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial on Tuesday, easing plans for a tight two-day schedule and agreeing that House evidence will be included. He acted after protests from senators, including fellow Republicans.

President Trump's lawyers urge dismissal of 'flimsy' impeachment case

President Donald Trump's legal team asserted Monday that he did “absolutely nothing wrong," urging the Senate to swiftly reject an impeachment case that it called “flimsy" and a “dangerous perversion of the Constitution." The lawyers decried the impeachment process as rigged and insisted that abuse of power was not a crime.

House Dems, White House lay out arguments before impeachment trial

President Trump's legal team issued a fiery response ahead of opening arguments in his impeachment trial, while House Democrats laid out their case in forceful fashion, saying the president had “abandoned his oath" and betrayed the public trust.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doles out impeachment pens, a signing tradition

One by one, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi picked up pens lined up beside her and used them to sign a bit of her name on the impeachment articles against President Donald Trump. Then she handed each signing pen to the assembled chairmen and House managers who will prosecute the case in the Senate.