Calls for Georgia boycott after changes to election law

A controversial overhaul of Georgia’s voting system – one that Republicans called vital for election security, and Democrats likened to 'Jim Crow 2.0' – have some civil rights groups calling for a boycott of both the Major League Baseball All-Star Game (set for Atlanta this summer) and the delayed Masters' Tournament in Augusta. But is that feasible, and how do lawmakers respond to the threats by many out-of-state athletes? Eric Mitchell from Life Flip Media joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about what’s at stake.

Trouble in the Suez: How the Ever Given saga could cost you

While the massive cargo ship, the Ever Given, has since been dislodged and moved along the Suez Canal, the six-day saga could cost the global shipping industry billions of dollars. Politico trade reporter Steven Overly joined Jim on The Final 5 to take a look at what effects will still be felt days and weeks later, and how the residual delays in shipping could cost American consumers.

What Utah can teach states about the economy

A unique approach to business regulations and reform has Utah in the spotlight, as the country struggles to bounce back from the pandemic. James Czerniawski from Young Voices joined Jim on The Final 5 to look at why the state stands a chance at luring businesses away from bureaucratic states like California and New York.

Sister Helen Prejean on Virginia outlawing death penalty

Virginia became the first southern state to outlaw the death penalty this week, a major victory for anti-capital punishment activists. That includes Roman Catholic nun and a member of the New Orleans-based Congregation of St. Joseph, Sister Helen Prejean. Prejean, whose memoir inspired the 1995 film 'Dead Man Walking' starring Susan Sarandon, has continued her crusade against a punishment she described as rooted in racism. She joined Jim on The Final 5 to explain why Virginia’s move was a momentous one, and why the push to outlaw the death penalty has gained support on both sides of the political spectrum.

What women want from a post-COVID world

As we inch closer to a post-pandemic world, the workforce will forever change. As America’s women head back to the office, their worldview has changed – and while their politics may differ, their hopes are the same. Amanda Hunter from the Barbara Lee Family Foundation joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about a new poll, and how women are assuming more high profile positions in both local and national elected offices.

The toll of recent attacks on the AAPI community both mental, physical

As law enforcement and advocacy groups report an uptick in violence and verbal confrontations against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the toll on the mental health of the AAPI community must be considered as well. Dr. Jade Wu, PhD, DBSM a board-certified sleep psychologist and researcher from Duke University, joined Jim to weigh in on the topic, where the hate has been coming from, and the displays of solidarity and support from all corners of America.

The media, social media, and the age of Biden

How has covering a White House fundamentally changed during former President Trump’s tenure, and are journalists positioned to cover President Biden fairly? James Risen from the Press Freedom Defense Fund joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about the Biden administration’s hesitance to hold a solo press conference (which is set to change this week), and an upcoming online seminar on the topic. (More info:

How short selling paved way for stock madness

Nearly two months after individual investors defied the odds and pumped up shares of Gamestop, AMC, and other companies, the process of short-selling remains a hot topic. Hugo Dante from Young Voices joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about what went wrong for some and right for others, and the lessons learned from the 'stonks' saga of 2021.

With Dems in control, will DC statehood finally pass?

As the White House indicates President Biden supports the District of Columbia in its quest to become the 51st state, the House Oversight Committee is set to once again meet on the prospects of pro-statehood legislation on Monday. And while the House has passed statehood legislation, Senate Republicans failed to put the measure up for a vote, with Republican leader Mitch McConnell likening the idea to 'socialism.' Now that Democrats control the chamber, advocates are hoping for a different outcome. Bo Shuff from DC Vote joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about the prospects for passage, and how they plan to counter the arguments from opponents.

Team Biden set for first sitdown with China

On Thursday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan are set to meet with top Chinese Communist Party officials in Alaska as part of the first formal talks between the two nations. It’s also giving us an indication on how the Biden administration plans to deal with China, after former President Trump went hard after the country on trade. But Weifeng Zhong from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University says there are already some common threads. He joined Jim on The Final 5 to look at how it’s playing out so far, and whether President Biden has been more accommodating to China, as political opponents have claimed.

Biden and the Border

With massive numbers of unaccompanied minors at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Biden administration is faced with a burgeoning crisis, while Republicans are blaming his decision to reverse several Trump-era immigration policies. Ali Noorani from the National Immigration Forum has some thoughts, and how moving ahead with proposals on DACA recipients may stem the problem. He joined Jim on The Final 5 to offer his insight, and where he believes the White House could do better.

The new financial frontier

Investors who bought into Bitcoin and rode the dips are being rewarded for their patience, with prices hovering around $60,000. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg for the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Brittany Kaiser joined Jim on The Final 5 to take a look at new developments.

A 'Rightly' look at the COVID-19 relief debate

President Biden and Congressional Democrats are hailing this week’s passage of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill as a major victory, but now comes the tough part, selling it to many Americans who didn’t support the effort. Stephen Kent, a Final 5 regular and host of 'Right Now' on the new digital network 'Rightly,' joins Jim to offer his takeaways from the President’s speech. He also talks about the new effort from Al-Jazeera to bring new conservative voices to the table, and what he has to say to people who believe the network was wrong to create 'Rightly.'

Will the US finally end the war in Afghanistan

While former President Trump vowed to end the United States’ involvement in Afghanistan, a military intervention that started nearly 20 years ago after the September 11th attacks, President Biden now has a key decision to make that could make that a reality. Adam Weinstein from the Quincy Center for Responsible Statecraft joined Jim on The Final 5 to talk about what’s at stake moving forward.

Biden’s Big Day

On a day where President Biden’s biggest legislative priority so far, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill, passed the House, and the Senate confirmed two more of his cabinet nominees, what is next for the young administration? Even while hopes for a bipartisan win eluded him, there are more key pieces of legislation on the way. Democratic strategist Kevin Walling joined Jim on The Final 5 to break it all down.

Amy Coney Barrett’s influence on SCOTUS so far

It’s been six months since Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed and sworn onto the Supreme Court. Now, with several key decisions handed down from the court, is she being greeted with the same enthusiasm from conservatives that she received from the time of her nomination? And have fears from liberals about her potential effect on the court materialized? Former Assistant U.S. Attorney David A. Katz joined Jim on The Final 5 to offer his insight.

The changing political climate women face

On this International Women’s Day, there’s a new focus on the increasing influence that women have on American politics, but the road remains fraught with pitfalls and changing priorities. Capri Cafaro, former Ohio Senate Minority Leader, and political consultant Lauren Zelt joined Jim to talk about their experiences and hopes for future female leaders.

Biden on the Border and Immigration

Immigration reform has been a mission for recent Presidents, but their approach has varied and the bipartisanship to get it done hasn't been there. Young Voices senior contributor Daniel Di Martino joined Jim on The Final 5 to look at what needs to be done, where President Biden stands on the issue, and what we’ve learned about the immigration debate in recent years.


He spent 25 years in private equity, but Richmond native Glenn Youngkin says transitioning to first-time political candidate has been a smooth one so far. The Republican candidate for Virginia governor joins Jim on The Final 5 to break down why he's running, the issues in the race, and how he feels about the Virginia GOP skipping a traditional primary in favor of a nominating convention.

Partisanship reigns in COVID-19 relief battle

As the Senate takes up the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill already passed by the House, Republicans say the bill is too bloated and doesn't provide the necessary help. Cory Mills joins Jim on The Final 5 to weigh in on what lawmakers should do next.