Indiana officials investigate report of assault on Black man

A Black man says a group of white men assaulted him and threatened to “get a noose” after claiming that he and his friends had trespassed on private property as they gathered at an Indiana lake over the Fourth of July weekend.

Richmond removing statue of Confederate JEB Stuart

Work crews in Richmond began taking down an enormous monument to Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart on Tuesday, the third major statue to be cleared away in less than a week, as the Confederacy's former capital rushes to remove symbols of oppression in response to protests against police brutality and racism.

House Democrats include removal of Confederate statues in funding bill

Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee on Monday released a draft of a funding bill that includes a provision to remove statues and busts of those who served in the Confederacy or have "unambiguous records of racial intolerance" from the U.S. Capitol, setting up a potential fight over the issue as President Trump emphasizes preserving such tributes in at least some circumstances.