Adult sleepovers

A 49-year-old woman posted to Reddit that her boyfriend and his friends have sleepovers twice a month, and there's a lot of video games and drinking. Jacqueline, Sunni, and Shirin don't approve.

Bar trivia nights

The bar trivia crowds are taking offense to a viral X demanding venues cancel trivia nights. Like it or not?

How often do you think about eating?

How often do you think about eating? A new survey shows the differences in how often Americans have their next meal on the mind, with results ranging from all the time to never.

Airplane dress code

Should you dress up for your flight? A USA Today columnist says there's been a sharp decline of manners on planes with unruly incidents spiking 37% in 2022. The writer believes if there was a dress code where people dressed up before their flights -- they might be more respectful. What are your thoughts? Are you leaving the sweat pants at home next trip?

Things we secretly judge

People on Reddit are sharing what makes them secretly judge others. For example: parents who let their kids run around and destroy things in stores made the list. People who cry in front of the camera and post it on social media and people who play music without headphones were also on the list. Find out what irks the LION crew.

Dating beige flags

When it comes to dating, you've probably heard of red flags. But there's a new take on that concept -- beige flags! They aren't enough to make you want to stay away entirely but they are enough to make you think twice.