Dry weddings - Like It Or Not?

A recent bride asked the Reddit community if she and her husband were in the wrong for having a dry wedding. They don't drink and didn't want to pay for others to drink. Marina says couples should make sacrifices for their guests, while Jim tries to defend the couple he knows who didn't have booze at their wedding.

Fan superstitions - Like It Or Not?

Sports fans can be a little superstitious, so we sent FOX 5's David Kaplan to a sports bar during Like It Or Not to find out exactly how far some fans take it.

Ethical non-monogamy - Like It Or Not?

Ethical non-monogamy refers to any relationship where people engage in romantic and sexual experiences with more than one person. It's basically a fancy term for an old idea -- open relationships.

Flight hair - Like It or Not?

On a recent flight, one woman let her hair drape over the back of her seat -- pretty much on the tray table behind her. From Athens to Amsterdam, the person who sat behind her and recorded it said she was too tired to make a big deal out of it.

A single stress-free day - Like It Or Not?

Nobody likes to be stressed out but how far would you be willing to go to avoid that feeling? A new poll tried to answer that question and nearly 26% of responders said they would give up sex to be stress-free. The panel is confused as to why people are giving up nature's best stress reliever to not feel stressed.

LIKE IT OR NOT: Dog orders porn

A man in North Carolina disputed a porn charge on his TV bill, saying his dog ordered the adult entertainment (you read that right). So, we had to discuss if anyone is believes his story. Sunni thinks it's plausible, but the rest of the "Like It Or Not" crew is not buying it.