RGIII fan gets emotional in viral video after quarterback is released by Redskins

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One Redskins fan is struggling to come to terms with the fact that Robert Griffin III will no longer be playing in Washington.

Everyone knows the sports term "fan" is short for fanatic and that describes Aimal Malik when it came to his favorite player.

Malik posted a video on social media showing him getting emotional while holding a framed picture of the former Redskins quarterback and other Griffin memorabilia. To cap it off, Malik sheds fake tears to the background music of The Police's "Every Breathe You Take."

Malik did tell us it was all in jest, but after he posted the video on his Twitter page, Griffin himself apparently saw it because the quarterback liked his tweet.

"He liked it and I looked at my notifications again and he started following me," said Malik. "I'm like, 'Oh my God! He's following me!' I put a post on my Instagram immediately. I took a snapshot of it."

How did others on social media react to his video?

Malik said, "I'd say 70 percent good, which is not too bad I guess, and 30 percent bad. There has been a lot of haters."