Women's rights march unable to get permit for National Mall day after inauguration

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Organizers of a women's rights march, who were planning to rally on the National Mall the day after January's inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, may have to find a different location or re-schedule their event to a different date.

Activists with the Women's March on Washington had applied for a permit to gather in downtown D.C. on January 21 of next year - one day after the inauguration.

National Park Service spokesman Mike Litterst told FOX 5's Bob Barnard that this election cycle has generated interest from numerous groups who have applied for permits to gather in D.C. following the inauguration. "There were other applications on file at the Lincoln Memorial before theirs was received," he said, adding that requests are processed in the order in which they are submitted.

"Rather than simply denying a permit for which there are conflicting applications on file, we work with the organizers and see if we can find an alternate location - or, if they're set on that location, finding an alternate date," Litterst said. "We make every effort to ensure that those group's First Amendment rights are protected."

The group's Facebook page still lists the event as scheduled for 10 a.m. on January 21. There has been no word from the group as to if they plan to reschedule.