Wizards dancer serves as a Marine, studies law at American University

As FOX 5 continues to honor our nation’s heroes this month, we’re introducing you to a Marine with a secret talent.

You may know Lily Goff from the sidelines of Capital One Arena. 

She's typically dressed in her Wizards dance uniform but what you may not know is she wears an entirely different uniform while serving as an officer in the United States Marine Corps.

"I get a lot of ‘what?’ ‘Really?’ It’s usually a surprise," Goff said.

From carrying pom poms on game day to carrying M16s at boot camp. 

"Dance has been a big part of my life since I could talk really," Goff explained. "I really enjoyed my experience in the intelligence community and joining the military just felt like a natural transition."

Goff is a force to be reckoned with on and off the court.

"Superwoman. The sheer amount of power that she has when she dances," said Derric Whitfield, senior director of dance teams for the Washington Wizards.

Watch FOX 5's Veterans Day Special as we honor those who have served

That talent is what the coaches say stood out in her auditions, which landed her a spot on the Wizards dance team for her first season.

"She’s incredibly talented, incredibly athletic, and just trained on everything," Whitfield said. "She can do ballroom, martial arts… When we got to the interview round, and she told us she was a Marine I was just floored."

On top of all of that, the now commissioned 2nd lieutenant is also getting her law degree from American University.

There’s so much more to them than what the fans get to see on the court, you know these glamorized dancers," Whitfield said. "It’s great that we have powerful women like her to be ambassadors for our brand."

This Veterans Day, the Wizards honored Goff at their annual Military Appreciation Night.

A recognition she says she’s grateful for.

"Thank you so much for letting me be a representative for you in that moment," she said. "It was really an honor. I don’t feel like I deserved it, but it was really incredible."

Goff also shared a message for those who are told boots and bows don’t go together. "A lot of young girls know that they can do anything, be anything. What I don’t think little girls hear these days is you need to go out and ask for those things and go out and be persistent."

Lily will graduate from law school in May of next year and then plans to be a judge advocate when she goes on active duty.

She also hopes to continue to dance for the Wizards for several seasons to come!

MilitaryWashington, D.C.