Winter Haven skiing baby becomes internet star

At six months old, most babies just coo and smile. But not Zyla St. Onge.

She just broke a world water skiing record, staying up for an amazing 686 feet.

"My heart was racing," her mom Lauren told FOX 13 News. "She did way better than we expected."

Little Zyla isn't the only skiing baby to come out of Winter Haven. She actually took the title away from another Parks Bonifay, who held it for more than 30 years. As an infant, she skied more than 100 feet.

But Zyla had much higher goals. She stayed up more than 6 times Parks' distance.

"At first I was freaked out," said her dad, Keith, who holds a number of world records himself. "But I said, 'she looks solid. She looks good.'"

Dozens of people on land and in the water watched as Zyla finally completed her run. Actually, it was more like a walk. The boat was traveling about seven miles an hour, according to her dad. And many people lined her course, every few feet, in case she were to fall.

"It's really cool to see your kid do something like that," said her dad.

At such a young age, Zyla has many years of record-breaking ahead. What will she pull off next?