What you missed during the first week of FOX 5's "DMV Zone"
What is the DMV Zone all about?
FOX 5's newest daytime news show, DMV Zone, premiered on October 24th, hosted by Marina Marraco and Joe Clair! Here's what this fast-paced, DMV-focused, rapid-fire, straight no-chaser news show is all about.
Wheeeeee! It's been a busy first week as we kicked off our freshest news show, "DMV Zone," hosted by Marina Marraco and Joe Clair!
But wait, you haven't seen this iconic fast-paced, DMV-focused, rapid-fire, straight no-chaser news show that airs each weekday at 3PM? Well, you're missing out, we reckon. But that's okay! No shame here. Let's catch you up on some key moments from our first week.
Angie surprises Marina and Joe with a cake to celebrate DMV Zone!
Angie hijacks DMV Zone to surprise Marina and Joe with a cake to celebrate one full week of the show!
And if you have been tuning in - first, thanks - and second - let this be a little trip down memory lane for you.
The Big Story
What's going on with the Commanders? Our very first "Big Story" looks at how yes, the Commanders had a win on Sunday 10/23 but it's a drop in the bucket compared to its other issues, such as giving fans checks that bounce, the Snyder(s), et cetera.
What's going on with the Commanders?
The very first big story and the very first big segment on FOX 5's "DMV Zone" is about the Washington Commanders and the house of cards.
Halloween Candy Chaos: Are those "150 count" candy bags from certain big-box stores only filled with say, 140 pieces? Marina, Joe and Kevin dump out a bag & find out for themselves.
Halloween Candy Chaos
Why are we counting candy in the newsroom? Well, there's a bit of a scandal that is brewing like witches' brew - there may not be as much Halloween candy as advertised...
Maryland Lottery: Joe buys some tickets for the Powerball drawing (he eventually loses), but also, do people even have a chance to win anyway? Marina and Joe talk to Maryland Lottery about it.
Maryland Lottery official talks odds of winning $700M jackpot
FOX 5's DMV Zone is talking to Maryland Lottery to find out what our chances of winning that $700M jackpot actually are and how much money we could take home.
Tripledemic concerns: Breaking down the concerning mix of COVID-19, flu and RSV could spike - talking with Dr. Sarah Combs from Children's Hospital and FOX 5's Nana Sentuo-Bonsu about the story.
Tripledemic concerns
Health officials are warning people about a "tripledemic" that could leave many Americans feeling ill this holiday season. Dr. Sarah Combs with Children's National Hospital explains how a mixture of COVID-19, the flu, and respiratory syncytial virus cases could spike. FOX 5 reporter Nana-Sentuo Bonsu delves into how students in Stafford County are dealing with an "illness outbreak" in schools.
New County Exec: Prince William County has named a new executive and he is making a pretty penny. FOX 5's Tisha Lewis joins, a Prince William County resident herself to discuss what that means.
New Prince William County Executive making $350k a year
Prince William County has named a new executive and he is making a pretty penny. FOX 5's DMV Zone spoke with Tisha Lewis, a Prince William County resident herself, who is looking into this story today.
What's the future of RFK Stadium? David Kaplan joins Marina and Joe to discuss what residents want to see done with RFK.
The future of RFK Stadium
FOX 5's DMV Zone asked DC residents what they want to see done with RFK Stadium after we got word it could be torn down soon.
Makeup with Marangie: That's Marina + Angie Goff, together, in FOX 5's illustrious Make Up Room.
Makeup with Marangie!
FOX 5's Angie Goff takes us into the dressing room for an intimate conversation on makeup, eyelashes, and Katie Perry.
Hidden Camera concerns: Joe and Marina go on a scavenger hunt within the FOX 5 newsroom to look for cameras.
The Soundoff
Dan Snyder Drama: Talking about the current owner of the Washington Commanders, Dan Snyder, out on FOX 5's plaza in Bethesda.
The Soundoff: Washington Commanders
Come, enjoy, watch this very lively discussion between a few die-hard Commanders fans in our newsroom and outside FOX 5's offices on Wisconsin Ave. in Bethesda on the first episode of the DMV Zone!
Is Kanye Cancelled? Kanye West continues to be dropped by major brands including Adidas and Vogue.
The Sound Off: Is Kanye canceled?
Kanye West continues to be dropped by major brands including Adidas and Vogue. So, is Kanye officially being canceled? The DMV Zone crew sounds off.
Taylor Swift, Discussed: Taylor Swift is breaking records with her new album "Midnights" and certified Swifties Katie Barlow and Kevin McCarthy join the DMV Zone to discuss their favorite parts and where the album ranks for them for the year.
Taylor Swift breaks Spotify single-day record
If you don't know, now you know! Taylor Swift is breaking records with her new album "Midnights" and certified Swifties Katie Barlow and Kevin McCarthy join the DMV Zone to discuss their favorite parts and where the album ranks for them for the year.
Can any DMV Team win? FOX 5's David Kaplan and Corey Zarnoch ask: who will be the next DC team to win a championship. Anyone?
Who will be the next DC team to win a championship?
The DMV Zone crew shares their predictions for which DC team will be the next to bring home a championship to the District.
Ex-NBA star Delonte West arrested in Virginia: The team discusses with TMZ's Michael Babcock.
Ex-NBA star Delonte West arrested in Virginia
Ex-NBA star Delonte West was arrested by Fairfax County police in Alexandria over the weekend. Officials say he was drunk and trespassing in a vehicle.
What's Up on the Web?
Plant Daddy Revealed: We look at the top stories on fox5dc.com and social media from two perspectives: Joe Clair's and the "web chief" (who also spent a Saturday at Ikea purchasing said fake plants to earn the title).
What's up on the Web, Plant Daddy?
It may be meta to talk about what's up on the web on the web but here we are. A quick look at the stories that are trending on fox5dc.com and context about the Commanders' challenges from the office's (fake) plant daddy?
Marijuana and snack side hustles: Legalizing marijuana in Maryland and all about snack side hustles.
What's Up on the Web: Legalizing marijuana and lunchtime snack hustles
FOX 5's DMV Zone checks in to see what's happening on the web.
BTS of FOX 5 DC's Production Team: Meet some of the producers that Twitter claims are paid actors (no, they're working!) and also talking about psychedelic experiment by Johns Hopkins to curb smoking.
What's happening behind the scenes of FOX 5 DC
Marina talks to some FOX 5 producers about what they're doing behind the scenes after multiple DMV Zone fans asked who the people were in the background of the show.
To see even more clips, visit the show's page on fox5dc.com or check out our YouTube playlist. And be sure to tune in at 3pm each weekday - you don't want to miss it!