What to do if you smell natural gas

Do you know what to do if you smell natural gas in your home?
What to do if you smell gas or suspect a gas leak:
Evacuate immediately
If you ever smell gas you want to gather your family and leave the premises right away. You really want to get yourself at least 100 feet away and if possible at a 45-degree angle from the corners of the building as the corners are the safest -- strongest point of the building, and then call 911.
Call 911 - warn others

What to NOT do if you smell gas or suspect a gas leak:
Do not look for source of leak
You're not supposed to go and look for the leak. Best thing to do is just get out. Let the professionals handle it.
Do not light match or stove
Do not use phone or battery powered gadgets
Don't light a match and don't use your cell phone or battery powered gadgets because, you don't know what's going on in there.

Natural gas has an additive called mercaptan and it is a strong smell of rotten eggs and is very noticeable to the average person and average sense of smell. At any time you detect that odor, call the fire department, have them come out, and if they determine there's a problem they will call the gas company to come further evaluate the issue.