Watch: K9 officer breaks-in new protective booties

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Pets don't like wearing shoes, but sometimes footwear is a necessary part of life for our furry friends, especially during the summer when the ground is scorching.

For one K9 officer in Connecticut, trying on some protective booties made for a hilarious video and a chance for his human counterparts to remind everyone to protect their dogs' feet on hot concrete.

The Clinton, Connecticut Police Department posted a video on Instagram of K9 officer Sonny - who already enjoys a large online following - trying out his new kicks.

"Yesterday at the Dogs on Deck demo we were parked in an area which was mostly pavement," Sonny's handler wrote in the video's caption. "I was concerned the pavement would be too hot for his pads so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try out our Ruff Wear dog booties."

In the video, the officer leads Sonny, who lifts his paws high as he trots back and forth on the pavement.

"It was a comical experience to say the least," the officer wrote.

Sonny didn't seem to mind the shoes. He was probably just doing some high-knees to break them in.