Virginia Lottery players have won a record $4.2 billion in prize money

A person buys a Mega Millions lottery ticket at a store on July 29, 2022 in Arlington, Virginia. The jackpot for Friday's Mega Millions is now $1.1 billion, the second-largest jackpot in game history. (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP) (Photo by OLIVI
RICHMOND, Va. - Virginia Lottery players helped the Commonwealth reach record-breaking sales of more than $5.5 billion in fiscal year 2024, making this the most successful year in history.
Governor Glenn Youngkin shared the exciting news Wednesday, celebrating the massive boost to the state’s education budget.
"I am so thrilled these record profits will help provide the necessary support and resources for Virginia's students. Approximately 10 percent of Virginia’s K-12 education budget comes from Virginia Lottery profits," Youngkin said.
It seems Virginians have been feeling pretty lucky.
The agency says people snatched up tickets from more than 5,300 businesses across the state or played online through the Lottery’s mobile app and website, and a record $4.2 billion went back to players in prizes.
For every dollar spent on Virginia Lottery games, about 77 cents went straight back to the players.
And it’s not just the players who are cashing in. Virginia businesses that sell Lottery tickets earned over $142 million in sales commissions and bonuses this year, which is also a new record.
"Customers who buy Lottery tickets at retailers typically make other purchases as well. The Lottery is good for Virginia businesses," said Virginia Lottery Board Chairman Ferhan Hamid in a statement.