'Tripledemic' concerns continue as holiday season nears

Americans are catching the flu, RSV and COVID-19, which means the tripledemic is happening now.

However, there’s little indication the dangerous trio will stop folks from gathering with loved ones on Thanksgiving Day. So, what happens after the holiday, when and if you start to feel sick?

For starters, folks will probably flood pharmacies or hospitals, and urgent care offices.

FOX 5 asked medical professionals what you should be on the lookout for if you start to feel sick after the holidays, and it’s a mixed bag.

READ MORE: Health officials warn of 'tripledemic'

PM Pediatrics Senior Medical Advisor Dr. Christina John says the onset of symptoms for the flu, COVID-19 and RSV can be about three days. While the symptoms are similar there are some big takeaways to help narrow down the illness.

The flu causes high, unshakable fevers. COVID and RSV-related fevers tend to be internment but also the latter causes a runny nose and wheezing.

The tell-tale sign for COVID remains loss of smell and taste.

The American Academy of Pediatrics is still pushing The White House to declare RSV a public health emergency.

If you feel sick — call your doctor first and then stay away from people. Often, if you’re able to determine your symptoms it can mean a head start on your diagnosis and treatment. RSV cases are already up nationwide, and doctors say the D.C. area is no exception. The District is also experiencing an increase in cases and the anticipation is it will be worse after Thanksgiving Day. 

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