Substitute teacher removed from District Heights Elementary School over controversial tweets

Controversial comments from a Prince George’s County educator have landed her in hot water.

Those upset on social media identified this educator as Bianca Robinson. When FOX 5 asked the Prince George’s County Public Schools spokesperson about Robinson, we were told she is a substitute teacher who has been removed from the classroom at District Heights Elementary School.

The tweet that landed the substitute in trouble appears to have been posted to Twitter last Thursday under the account, "@Mostly_hated."

It reads: "Black women raising boys, please stop letting ur sons pick up ur female traits!!! I have the b**chest boys in my class!! I know y’all have some men around somewhere! This sh*t is getting ridiculous!!"

"I wouldn’t let her teach my kids, not with that type of behavior," said Carlita Ballard who first read the tweet on Monday. 

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Joel Waits, who tells FOX 5 he was a former teacher’s aide, agreed with Ballard. He also told FOX 5, "Honestly, with a lot of the way teachers are, they do teach like – they just don’t say it."

"She could’ve said like put ’em in male mentoring programs, things like that. But for her to come off and say something like that, it’s just atrocious," Gabrielle Hill said.

Online, a number of comments defended Robinson – some essentially arguing she’s a victim of "cancel culture." 

"She ain’t wrong, but y’all wild for putting her on blast," one person tweeted. 

Those upset with the substitute also flagged other questionable posts.

FOX 5 could not view those posts independently. Robinson’s Twitter account was listed as "private" on Monday morning. However, various questionable messages appear to have been screen grabbed.

One clipped post, dated 31/08/22 (August 31, 2022), appears to read: "Third day of school and I made another kid cry. [Emoji] These 5th graders never had a teacher from the hood I see. I won’t be spoken to any kind of way. I will gather a child quickly and respectfully and still bring them to tears."

A clipped post, dated 11/05/22 (May 11, 2022), appears to read: "When teachers tell kids they are going to end up in jail that sh*t is true! All the badass kids I went to high school with end up in jail. So when I look at my students who think it’s cute being bad, I just wonder how long it’s gonna take 4 them to land in jail."

Another clipped post, dated 14/02/22 (February 2, 2022), appears to read: "Kids need to get bullied! Bullying doesn’t just stop with childhood how will they be ready for an adult bully?! The no bullying thing is dumb!"

Several other questionable posts were flagged on Facebook. Prince George’s County Council Education Committee Chair Jolene Ivey used the words "homophobic" and "abuse" describing some of what she read.

"As a black mother of five black sons, this is a very important issue to me. And I think that we all need to be up in arms if there are people out there interacting with our children, especially on a regular basis, who have those kids of attitudes. It’s harmful," Ivey said. 

"It doesn’t matter what people online say. Bigotry and disrespect integrated in young people is never acceptable," said Edward Burroughs III, another Prince George's County Education Committee member. "After reviewing the messages, most of them disturbed me deeply."

"She should be terminated immediately," Burroughs added.

FOX 5 tried multiple times but could not reach Robinson for response in time for this report.

The PGCPS spokesperson says the matter is being handled by human resources as a confidential personnel matter. PGCPS did not confirm when the substitute was removed from the classroom and how long she has been with the school district.


Prince George's County Public Schools