DALLAS, TX (FOX 26) - An anonymous post sharing why black women shouldn't bother trying to join a sorority at Southern Methodist University in Dallas has gone viral.
It was shared on GreekRank.com under a thread titled "Black women going through recruitment."
"This is the south (hence SOUTHERN Methodist University) and a majority of girls are legacies with strong ties to the chapter they join and tend to come from old money," writes the author.
The writer also claims that black women come from a "completely different background (impoverished lower class)."
The post inspired even more discriminatory comments.
One anonymous user replied with a list entitled "Reasons black women do not and will not get bids."
The post claims that black women "go to crappy high schools" and don't deserve to attend the university at all.
"Your personalities suck, y'all are boring to talk to, not wealthy, don't put in any effort," the writer adds. "Y'all are racist and have your own sororities and fraternities. Y'all created them, so how about utilizing them?"
Another user writes, "Why are we racist for wanting girls who are similar to us in values/character and background?"
It goes on: "Black women will have to work harder because affirmative action won't help them with this process."
SMU student Layla Evette came across the thread and tweeted out screen grabs of the posts.
Evette also created the hashtag #BlackatSMU which has stirred conversation across the country.
SMU released a statement saying the anonymous GreekRank posts were "clearly abhorrent."
The same week the sorority comments went viral, a party thrown by two fraternities on campus had to be canceled because it promoted negative stereotypes.
The party was named the "Ice Age" by Alpha Epsilon Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha. Attendees were asked on Facebook to bring out their "bling, jerseys, and inner thug."
The flyer for the event featured a black man with a gold grill and a gold chain in his mouth.
SMU president R. Gerald Turner released a statement criticizing the party before it was canceled.
"It is simply unacceptable for any campus group or individual to employ images and language that promote negative stereotypes and are demeaning to the dignity of any member of our campus ... The key point is that SMU students should know better than to engage in such irresponsible and insensitive conduct."
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