Smiling preemie photo makes the world smile

A photo shared with a child birth blog is going viral thanks to the newborn baby's beautiful smile.

The photo of Freya when she was just 5-days old is giving hope to other parents of preemies.

Freya's mother, Lauren Vinje, shared the photo along with her birth story on the blog, Birth Without Fear, saying Freya was born on Thanksgiving Day 2014 weighing 4lbs 4oz.

Freya had to stay in the NICU until just before Christmas.

When Freya was 5 days old, Lauren snapped the photo of her daughter with a huge smile on her face that is now going viral.

Vinje also shared the adorable picture with the Facebook group, Love What Matters, where it's racked up thousands of shares and likes.

She wrote in the post, "Our first daughter at five days old...she was happy to be alive! This picture was one I looked at often to get me through the ups and downs of our NICU days. Life is so precious."

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