Slain Md. teacher, young daughter remembered at vigil held at elementary school

Members of the community remembered the life of 26-year-old NeShante Davis Friday night at a candlelight vigil held at the Prince George's County elementary school she taught at.

Davis and her 2-year-old daughter, Chloe, were fatally shot Tuesday morning as they were leaving their home.

The toddler's father, 25-year-old Daron Boswell-Johnson was arrested the following day and charged for their murder. Police say the shooting stemmed from a dispute over child support payments.

Davis was a first-year second grade teacher at Bradbury Heights Elementary School in Capitol Heights. She started the new job over the summer after reportedly working at Wegmans for several years.

"I'm a teacher here and she was a wonderful person," said Judy Pirnia.

Students from Neshante Davis' 2nd grade class created a beautiful tribute to her. #RIPMsDavis

"It gets emotional for me," said Alvina Smith. "Young lives lost for no apparent reason. It needs to stop."

The close-knit community at Bradbury Heights Elementary School is heartbroken and grieving as they remembered one of their own.

"This is not about anger and hate," said Pirnia. "This is about love and we need to love each other right now."

We asked Davis' co-worker how they can explain something like this to a child.

"I don't think there is an easy answer to that question," she said.

It is a crime that has left many speechless. Now, the healing process is underway for parent Angela Prince and countless others.

"The message here is to show our love and support and just really show our presence," said Prince. "Our presence says a lot being here. My husband and I are heavily involved here at Bradbury Heights, so we are a family."

It is a family torn apart by losing one of their own.

Young and old alike gathered holding candles to remember the young teacher, mother, daughter and friend.

Prince George's County Public Schools released a statement saying:

"All of us at Prince George's County Public Schools are deeply saddened by the loss of NeShante Davis and her young child. Crisis teams are available at the school for all of our students, staff and their families as long as they need it. The district will do all it can to support the school community at Bradbury Heights Elementary School. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of NeShante Davis."