Rockville couple indicted for attempting to assist Russia in conflict with Ukraine

A Rockville couple has been indicted and charged with conspiracy and for the disclosure of individually identifiable health information ("IIHI"), related to their efforts to assist Russia in connection with the conflict in Ukraine.

Anna Gabrielian, age 36, and her spouse, Jamie Lee Henry, age 39, both of Rockville, Maryland, were indicted on Wednesday.

As stated in the indictment, Gabrielian is an anesthesiologist in Baltimore, Maryland. Henry, a Major in the United States Army, who held a Secret-level security clearance, is Gabrielian’s spouse and a doctor.

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According to the eight-count indictment, Gabrielian and Henry conspired to cause harm to the United States by providing confidential health information of Americans associated with the United States government and military to Russia.

Gabrielian and Henry met with an individual they believed to be associated with the Russian government, but who was, in fact, an FBI Agent ("UC"), in order to convey to the UC their commitment to aid Russia, and to discuss ways in which they could help the Russian government.

Gabrielian told the UC she was motivated by patriotism toward Russia to provide any assistance she could to Russia, even if it meant being fired or going to jail. Gabrielian proposed potential cover stories for meeting the UC and stressed the need for "plausible deniability" in the event American authorities confronted her about meeting with the UC. 

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At about 8:10 p.m. that evening, the indictment alleges that Gabrielian and Henry met with the UC in the UC’s hotel room. During the meeting, Henry explained to the UC that the couple was committed to assisting Russia and had looked into volunteering to join the Russian Army after the conflict in Ukraine began, but Russia wanted people with "combat experience" and Henry did not have any. Henry further stated, "the way I am viewing what is going on in Ukraine now, is that the United States is using Ukrainians as a proxy for their own hatred toward Russia."

Henry and Gabrielian allegedly offered to provide the UC with private medical records from the United States Army and Medical Institution 1 in order to help the Russian government. During the same meeting, Gabrielian demanded that if she were put at significant risk of arrest, she wanted her and Henry’s children to, "have a nice flight to Turkey to go on vacation because I don’t want to end in jail here with my kids being hostages over my head."

As detailed in the indictment, a few days later Gabrielian and the UC again met at the hotel in Baltimore to discuss providing Army medical records to the UC. Gabrielian told the UC that Henry was concerned about violating HIPAA, but Gabrielian had no such concerns.

The next day, Gabrielian sent a text to the UC, using coded language, to advise that Henry would provide Army medical records to the UC.

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On Aug. 31, 2022, Gabrielian and Henry allegedly met the UC at a hotel room in Gaithersburg, Maryland. According to the indictment, Gabrielian provided the UC with IIHI related to two individuals, including the spouse of an employee of the Office of Naval Intelligence, whom Gabrielian pointed out had a medical condition Russia could "exploit."

Henry also allegedly provided IIHI related to five individuals who were military veterans or related to military veterans.

If convicted, the defendants face a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison for the conspiracy, and a maximum of 10 years in federal prison for each count of disclosing IIHI.