If you live in Rockville, you could be getting some new neighbors. The city council has voted to allow people to keep chickens on their property.
Tyler Phillips is in the chicken business. When he meets new people, he tells them, "I rent chickens. Then they look at me kind of funny, they're thinking about it and they're like, ‘Oh my God, that's a great idea.'"
His idea is RentACoop. How is business for Phillips?
"It's great," he said. "Doubling every year."
It is about to get a little bigger as the Rockville city council has approved an ordinance that allows residents to keep up to five chickens. Hens only, but no noisy roosters.
"For some people that live in Rockville, it's a huge deal whether they don't want chickens or they do want chickens," Phillips said.
It's a big deal to Vivian Miner. She has been waiting 40 years for this.
"Children need to know about their environment and how to live for it and keep it up," she said.
Phillips said there is a lot to like about chickens.
"Their personalities actually," he said. "They are really funny and they are kind of goofy animals. Just fun to be around and they bring a lot of joy to all of the people that we rent to and purchase from us."
If you rent a coop, you also get a chicken, the feed and the bedding. It all costs $180 per month. If you like it, you can buy the coop.
Phillips said this is a good way to eat local.
"Knowing what is in your food, so giving the chickens organic feed, giving them your table scraps -- you know what you are eating as well," said Phillips.