Prince William County residents rally against controversial data center proposal

A group of Prince William County residents are expected to hold a rally Tuesday to protest a controversial data center proposal.

The rally will be held outside of the James J. McCoart County Government Building in Woodbridge prior to a scheduled hearing and vote before the Board of County Supervisors.

READ MORE: Controversial data center debate continues as Prince William County Board votes against proposed land use hold

The plan would construct as many as 14 centers on 270 acres of land near schools and homes near the intersection of Linton Hall and Devlin Roads. The project would be called Devlin Technology Park and proponents say it would create jobs and other opportunities.

Opponents say the air conditioning systems required to cool the massive buildings, and the lengthy construction time, would be detrimental to the area.

The protest is expected to begin at 6:30 p.m.

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