Pet cat accidentally hitches ride from Utah to Florida

A pet cat from Utah went on a real-life "Incredible Journey."

An animal rescue group in Marianna, Fla., posted a picture of the lost feline on its Facebook page, along with the animal's incredible story. According to the post, the cat accidentally hitched a ride on a truck that was making a cross-country trip. By the time it was discovered, it was too late.


Partners For Pets posted, "Sebastian is a gorgeous boy who ended up a long way from home. Seems he hitched a ride on a Semi in Salt Lake City, Utah and ended up in Marianna. They took care of him for a short while but could not keep him. He is a very sweet, friendly guy! Wish there was a way to find his owners in Utah!"

In a statement obtained by Boston 25 News, the shelter said that Sebastian is "not up for adoption." Their goal is to find his actual owners, as difficult as that might be. Based on the responses the post has gotten, however, it looks like they'll have help.

One user replied, "My oldest lives in Salt Lake City. Just shared tagging him and all his friends. I would be willing to help in any way." Several people tagged all of their Utah relatives in hopes that somebody recognizes Sebastian.

Unfortunately, several different people have also posted claiming that Sebastian is their cat. One poster claims that he's her beloved pet who disappeared in 2018, while others are sharing photos of their missing cats. Hopefully, Sebastian ends up back in the right home.