Ocean experts working to save fin whale stranded near Delaware shore
LEWES, Del. - Ocean experts in Delaware are on the scene after a fin whale became stranded on the bayside of the Point of Cape Henlopen State Park.
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Fin whales are endangered "throughout their range," according to the Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute.
When they arrived on Thursday, MERR experts evaluated the whale for "injuries or entanglement."
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The whale would later move off the sandbar in order to swim closer to shore, instead of deeper water – which experts said "is not a good sign."
They say when a whale strands itself, it may be due to injury or disease.
The team at the scene has not identified any injuries at this point.
"Sadly, in situations like this, there is often very little we can do to help save the whale; returning the whale to deeper water--which is a challenge under the best of circumstances for animals of this size and weight--would only prolong its suffering and it would likely strand again," MERR officials said in a press release.
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MERR says people should "always stay at least 150 feet away" from whales, whether they’re on the beach or the water.
The public can report strandings in Delaware to MERR at (302) 228-5029.