Neighbors say NFL player’s dogs attacked and ripped apart family pet
Neighbors say NFL player’s dogs attacked and killed family pet
A family pet has been ripped apart by a neighbor's dogs. They're demanding action be taken.
MISSOURI CITY, Texas - "Our baby Sandy is gone," said Linda Flowers.
The Flowers family rescued a black Labrador named Sandy when she was a puppy. We can't show you the last picture taken of Sandy. That horrific photo would haunt you.
"Those animals ripped the skin off a full-grown lab," said neighbor Ann Thompson.
"I found my dog halfway ripped apart, head and one leg on the other side of the fence, two of those stakes ripped through the body and one leg just dangling," said Jerry Flowers.
"They drug her head through the fence," Linda Flowers said. "Half of her body was through the wrought iron fence."
Sandy was impaled by one of the fence's rods. The fire department had to remove her.
FOX 26 talked to the owner of the Pitbull Mastiffs, Washington Redskins offensive tackle Trent Williams on the phone. The NFL player told FOX 26 it was Sandy's fault. He says she somehow got into his yard, bit one of his dogs, and the others attacked Sandy.
It was "dogs doing what dogs do," Williams said.
Most dog lovers would question why Trent Williams would have a kennel like this and nine dogs in the backyard of his exclusive Missouri City home.
"What's going on over there is not normal and it has no business happening in a residential neighborhood," said neighbor Cecilia Hernandez.
When we asked Williams about it, he said he has the right to do this and that some of the dogs are worth 25,000 dollars each. He also said that if I did my job diligently I would realize this is not a story.
It's not a story to his neighbors. They say it's a nightmare.
"We've reached out to the police and to animal control and unfortunately nothing is being done," said neighbor Sarah Sanders.
"We're at the point now where you can't even walk around the neighborhood safely," neighbor Julie Baran said.
Trent Williams said Missouri City Police and animal control took no action because they found no wrongdoing.
All we could get from those agencies was a one-line response saying they are aware of the situation and are investigating.