More than a dozen DC public schools shift to virtual learning due to COVID-19

A total of 14 more D.C. Public Schools will learn virtually on Wednesday due to an increase of COVID-19 cases, according to school officials.

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The following schools have announced a shift to remote learning for Wednesday:

- Barnard Elementary

- Dorothy Height Elementary

- Excel Academy

- Eliot-Hine Middle

- Hart Middle

- Jefferson Middle

- Ludlow-Taylor Elementary 

- Kimball Elementary 

- Kelly Miller Middle

- Kramer Middle

- Oyster Adams Bilingual 

- River Terrace Education Campus

- Watkins Elementary 

- Wilson High

The announcement comes as more and more schools across the DMV are making the shift to virtual instruction due to COVID-19.

READ MORE: 5 more DC public schools close due to COVID-19, shift to virtual learning

The following schools in D.C. announced Monday they would close for the week for COVID-19 cleaning procedures:

- Beers Elementary School

- Boone Elementary School

- Miner Elementary School

- Stuart-Hobson Middle School

- Takoma Elementary School

Drew Elementary School and West Elementary School both closed at 1 p.m. Tuesday and have shifted Wednesday’s lessons to virtual learning.

Whittier Elementary School also announced last week they would be making the shift to virtual learning through Dec. 22.

READ MORE: DC elementary school shifts to virtual learning through Dec. 22 due to COVID-19

Cases have spiked in the District and nationwide due to the highly contagious omicron variant. D.C. reported 3,763 new cases and one death over the weekend bringing their overall positive case total to 74,982.

All DCPS families should come to their schools on Jan. 3 between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. or Jan. 4 between 8:30 am and 4:00 p.m. to pick up a rapid COVID-19 test before the first day of instruction on Jan. 5.

NewsWashington, D.C.D.C. Public SchoolsCoronavirus