Metro closes some downtown stations for maintenance until December 30

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Metro closes some downtown stations for maintenance until December 30

Metro has closed some downtown stations until December 30 for a construction project that’s expected to improve tracks and signals.

Metro has closed some downtown stations until December 30 for a construction project that’s expected to improve tracks and signals.

The transit agency said they picked the closure dates and stations to try and minimize the impact on customers since they typically see lower ridership numbers this time of year.

During the closure, officials say shuttle buses will replace train service.

The full list of closures and detours are listed online.

Metro closes some downtown stations for maintenance until December 30

Phase 1 Metro closures:

From Dec. 20-26:

Farragut West station will be closed.

McPherson Square station will be closed.

The lower level (Blue, Orange, Silver service) at Metro Center will be closed.

Phase 2 Metro closures:

From Dec. 27-30:

Farragut West station will be closed.

McPherson Square station will be closed.

Lower level (Blue, Orange, Silver service) at Metro Center will be closed.

Federal Triangle station will be closed.

Smithsonian station will be closed.

Free shuttle buses will replace trains during the 11-day project.

Stations will reopen Dec. 31.

Construction includes replacing grout pads, replacing fasteners and studs, welding open joints, upgrading platform edge lighting, and more.

Full list of Decembber Metro station closures:

Dec. 20 through Dec. 26

Station Closures

Farragut West
McPherson Square
Metro Center (lower level/Blue, Orange, and Silver service closed)

Blue Line will operate from Franconia-Springfield to Foggy Bottom (trains every 12 minutes).
Orange Line will operate in two segments from Vienna to Clarendon (trains every 12 minutes) and Federal Triangle to New Carrollton (trains every 16 minutes).
Silver Line will operate in two segments from Ashburn to Foggy Bottom (trains every 12 minutes) and Federal Triangle to Downtown Largo (trains every 16 minutes).

Dec. 27 through Dec. 30:

Station Closures

Farragut West
McPherson Square
Metro Center (lower level/Blue, Orange, and Silver service closed)
Federal Triangle
L’Enfant Plaza (lower level/Blue, Orange, and Silver service closed)

Blue Line will operate from Franconia-Springfield to Foggy Bottom (trains every 12 minutes).
Orange Line will operate in two segments from Vienna to Clarendon (trains every 12 minutes) and Federal Center SW to New Carrollton (trains every 8 minutes).
Silver Line will operate in two segments from Ashburn to Foggy Bottom (trains every 12 minutes) and Federal Center SW to Downtown Largo (trains every 8 minutes).
All stations affected by the winter closures will re-open on Dec 31.