Md. homeowner at odds on who is responsible for fixing growing sinkhole in backyard

A Prince George's County man is worried about a growing problem in his backyard. As more rain falls, Kraig Lattimore says a sinkhole in his backyard is getting bigger.

The sinkhole goes down about four feet and has been a problem dating back to 2004. City officials have said there is a broken water drainage pipe underneath. Lattimore showed us the problem first-hand and says his backyard is washing away. He is also worried his shed will soon fall into the hole.

However, because this is private property, Lattimore thinks either the developer of this housing subdivision or the horse training center next door should have to pay to fix it.

Lattimore says the drainage pipe was put here by the developer of his home so that water runoff from the training center could be directed away. But when the pipe failed underground, he asked the developer and the Maryland Jockey Club to fix the issue.

"It can be fixed, that's the good news," says Lattimore. "Someone just needs to come out here and fix it."

The estimated cost to fix the problem is about $20,000. But since the drain was put in before he moved in, Lattimore does not think he should pay the bill.

FOX 5 reached out to the Maryland Jockey Club, but we did not hear back from them. We did contact the developer and they said they would contact Lattimore in an effort to find out who is responsible for fixing this problem.

Lattimore told us his next option could be hiring an attorney to look into this issue.