McDonald's surprises teen with check to help 'Feed The Homies'

A high school student helping the homeless while trying to change stereotypes received a special surprise for his selfless work.

This week, 43 students from the D.C. area were honored in the 11th annual McDonald's Educates Scholarship Dinner.

Zach Lindsay was asked to address his peers about the importance of serving the community.

Lindsay and his charity, Feed The Homies, were featured on FOX 5 last month.

Every Monday, Lindsay and his friends buy chicken sandwiches from McDonald's and skateboard around D.C. parks to distribute them to those in need.

"This is feeding the homies because I like to believe that all these guys that we're feeding out here are our friends and our homies," said Lindsay.

However, Lindsay was not just asked to speak to his fellow high schoolers. McDonald's also had a surprise waiting for him.

They presented him with a check for $1,500 along with gift cards to fund McChicken Mondays through the rest of the year.

Carlos Mateos owns the McDonald's restaurant where Lindsay and the Feed The Homies crew buy their sandwiches. Thanks to Mateos and McDonald's, McChicken Mondays is expanding.

"You do McChicken Wednesday and you show up at my restaurant, I will give you 50 free McChickens for the rest of the year," Mateos told Lindsay.

Yep, McChicken Mondays has now become McChicken Mondays and Wednesdays.

Lindsay has been contacted by people around the D.C. community looking to help and he has heard from fellow skateboarders from as far Virginia Beach and Detroit that want to bring Feed The Homies to their communities.

"I'm standing here now and just my mind is totally blown," Lindsay told us.

What started as a chance to "be a homie to the homeless" has now turned into a national charity thanks to Lindsay's story and the generosity of McDonald's and our viewers.

"I can't thank you enough," Lindsay said to Mateos. "This is so awesome."

"What you are doing for the community is awesome," Mateos said.