Maryland motor vehicle registration fees increasing July 1

The Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration is increasing vehicle registration rates beginning July 1.

The new rates are a result of legislation passed earlier this year.

"As directed by state law, the MVA is required to adjust vehicle registration fees that will help provide critical revenue for the Transportation Trust Fund, which ensures all of the state's infrastructure is in a state of good repair," said Motor Vehicle Administrator Chrissy Nizer in a statement posted online. "In order to make these new fees as affordable as possible, the MVA is now offering customers the convenient option to choose either a one or two-year registration at time of their renewal."

The new base rate for registration fees is based on vehicle class and weight. The MVA says they have not changed their rates since 2004.

Vehicle registrations that expire on or after July 1, 2024 will pay the adjusted rates. Customers that are currently eligible for renewal, or have vehicle registrations that expire through the end of June 2024, will continue to pay current vehicle registration rates.

The FULL LIST of adjusted vehicle registration rates are available online under the ‘Vehicle Registration / Tag Fees - starting July 1, 2024’ tab.

Vehicle Registration / Tag Fees - Starting July 1, 2024

The pricing here applies to new vehicle registrations as of July 1, 2024 and existing registrations expiring in and after July 2024. 

In the classes identified below, the cost reflected is for one (1) year at time of titling or at the time registration is renewed, but vehicles may also be renewed for two years. The following fees include the yearly $40.00  ​surcharge​ for the EMS system, except where noted otherwise.

CLASS A: Passenge​r Cars
(shipping weight u​​p to 3,500 lbs.)​

CLASS A: Passenger Cars
(shipping weight greater than 3,500 lbs.
but less than or equal to 3,700 lbs.)

CLASS A: ​Passenger Cars 
(shipping weight over 3,700 lbs.) 

CLASS B: Passenger Vehicle Operated for Hire

CLASS C: Funeral Vehicles and Ambulances

CLASS D: Motorcycles

CLASS L: Historic Vehicles (Registration fee does not require a surcharge.)

CLASS M: Multi Purpose Vehicle
(Shipping weight up to 3,500 lbs.)

CLASS M: Multi Purpose Vehicle
(shipping weight greater than 3,500 lbs.
but less than or equal to 3,700 lbs.)

CLASS M: ​Multi Purpose Vehicle
(shipping weight over 3,700 lbs.)

CLASS N: Street Rod Vehicles (Registration fee does not require a surcharge.)

CLASS Q: Limousine

CLASS R: Low Speed Vehicles

FULL LIST online
