Maryland high school responds to disturbing video

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School officials are responding to a disturbing video involving several Paint Branch High School students.

Fox 5 received the video as a tip from what was signed by "a group of concerned MCPS students." The individuals who sent the video say the video was intended as a joke, but they think there needs to be an important conversation about where the line should be drawn.

The video, which was posted on social media, presumably by the students who filmed it shows three students. In the video you can see the arms of two Caucasian students pushing around a third African American student who has a collar around his neck. They are repeatedly calling him 'boy' and the N-word.

"Racism anywhere is not an acceptable reality however I would definitely like to say paint branch high school is not reflective of that video it's not reflective of the words that were shared within it," said Horatio Kitwall, a history teacher Paint Branch High.

The principal at Paint Branch didn't find it funny, and the district says the students were disciplined and a letter was sent home to parents the day it happened.

"While the first amendment affords us all with the right to free speech, language and behaviors that are hateful and offensive will not be tolerated at Paint Branch High School."

This isn't the only racist incident that Montgomery County schools have seen. Back in November the superintendent released a statement about racist graffiti including swastikas at several schools and he called it disturbing and unacceptable.

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