2020 Election: Everything you need to know about voting in the DC, Maryland primaries
Primary elections held in DC, Maryland Tuesday
Primary elections are being held in D.C., Maryland and several other states across the country Tuesday.
WASHINGTON - Voters are being asked to navigate curfews, health concerns and a sharp increase in mail balloting as elections take place in the District, Maryland, and beyond.
Voting in DC
D.C. residents will vote in the Presidential Primary Election next week – on Tuesday, June 2.
Early voting has been underway in the nation’s capital, with voting centers set up at 20 different locations.
A separate special election to replace disgraced former council member Jack Evans in Ward 2 is scheduled for June 16.
How do I vote?
Voting by mail, or at one of the centers located throughout the District has been underway since May 22.
The District is suggesting different guidelines for in-person voting as it tries to minimize human contact at the centers.
RELATED: Early voting now underway in the District
Vote centers will open at 8:30 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. through June 1.
On June 2, they will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Elections officials are asking residents to observe staggered voting using the first letter of their last names.
Voters whose last names begin with A-L will vote from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Voters whose last names begin with M-Z will vote from 1:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on alternating days.
RELATED: Rising support for mail-in voting amid pandemic, poll suggests
Significant Social Distancing will be enforced at all vote centers, at all times. Only 10 voters will be allowed to enter the vote center at any time. Line markers will be placed six feet apart on the ground outside.
Click here to find out where voting centers are located.
When is the deadline to register to vote in D.C.?
You can cast a live ballot in the District if you complete same-day registration and provide proof of residence.
Acceptable proof of residence includes:
- Current and valid District of Columbia DMV issued ID
- Government check or paycheck*
- Bank statement*
- Current utility bill*
- Student housing statement/tuition bill
- Homeless shelter occupancy statement
- Lease
- Other government document
If you do not provide an acceptable proof of residence, you will be required to vote a Special Ballot and will have until 5:00 pm on the Thursday following Election Day to present acceptable proof of residence to the Board in order to have your Special Ballot counted.
RELATED: DC, Maryland among states voting today under cloud of pandemic, unrest
If you change your address on Election Day, you must make the change at your new polling place. Proof of residence for such a change includes:
- Current and valid District of Columbia DMV-issued ID
- Government check or paycheck*
- Bank statement*
- Current utility bill*
- Student housing statement/tuition bill
- Homeless shelter occupancy statement
- Lease
- Other government document with your name and address
For additional information on changing addresses, click here.
Changing your name
You can update your name information on Election Day at your voting center by completing a Registration Update Form.
RELATED: Primary date error prompts DC officials to mail new voter cards
Mail in ballots
Mail in ballot requests were due on Tuesday. They must be postmarked June 2 and be received within a week of primary day to be applied to the 2020 Primary.
Click here for a form.
Fill out the form completely, sign it, and return it to the Board of Elections in person, by mail, by fax at 202.347.2648, or by email in a scanned attachment at DCabsentee@dcboe.org.
If you are concerned that you haven’t received your ballot or you can’t cast it in time, call the D.C. Board of Elections at (202) 727-2525.
You can track your ballot by clicking here.
Voting in Maryland's Presidential Primary
The presidential primary in Maryland was initially slated for April, but state leaders opted to delay the vote until June 2 due to COVID-19 concerns.
According to elections officials, ballots will still bear the date April 28 because they did not have time to print new ballots. They say the April date will not impact your vote being counted, but it must be postmarked June 2 in order to be applied to the primary.
Here are some additional guidelines from the State Board of Elections:
What is the safest way to vote?
To reduce the risk of spreading the novel coronavirus, voters are strongly encouraged to vote by mail. The State Board of Elections will mail ballots to all eligible voters. No postage is needed to return your ballot - you will get a postage paid return envelope with your ballot.
Do voters need to request a ballot?
No. The State Board of Elections will mail ballots to all eligible active voters.
When will ballots arrive in voters’ mailboxes?
Ballots were slated to arrive in mailboxes in May.
If a voter has requested a ballot, does the voter need to request another ballot?
No. All eligible voters will receive a ballot for the 2020 Presidential Primary Election.
What is the deadline by which voters must mail in their voted ballots?
Voted ballots must be postmarked on or before June 2, 2020.
What if a voter can’t vote by mail?
If a voter cannot vote by mail, there will be at least one voting location in each county and Baltimore City. The voting locations will be open on June 2nd from 7 am to 8 pm. Click here for voting centers and ballot drop-off spots.
If a voter has already requested an absentee ballot, does the voter need to do anything?
No. The voter will receive a ballot in early to mid May.
How do voters know if they are registered to vote?
If you aren't sure if you are registered, or at what address, check your voter registration status by visiting the voter services site. If you do not have internet access, call 1-800-222-8683 and ask a State Board of Elections representative to check your registration.
What kind of identification is required to cast a ballot by mail?
If you are a registered voter and voted before, no identification is required to receive or submit a ballot by mail. A very small number of newly registered voters may need to provide ID with their voted ballots. If you have to provide ID, there will be instructions with your ballot.
Can voters register to vote online?
Wednesday, May 27, 2020 is the deadline for registering to vote online.
Is identification required to register to vote?
No, but you must provide some information so election officials can verify your identity.
If you use the State Board’s online system to register, you must enter your Maryland driver's license number or Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) issued state ID number, the date MVA issued your license or ID card, and the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If you reside outside of the United States or are a member of the military or spouse or dependent of a member of the military, you must enter the last 4 digits of your US social security number. If you provide a license or State ID number, your signature on file with the MVA will become your official voter registration signature. If you provide a social security number, it will be used as your official voter registration signature.
If you use the paper application to register, you must also provide your Maryland driver's license number or MVA-issued state ID number if you have one. If you don’t have one, you must provide the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If you don’t have either number, check box 6c. If you check box 6c, you might be required to show ID before voting for the first time.
How will voters know that their ballots will be counted?
You can check that your ballot was counted by visiting our voter services site. If you do not have internet access, call 1-800-222-8683 and ask a State Board of Elections representative to check the status of your voted ballot. The information will be posted about 10 days after the election.
How do voters update their address?
Give the local board of elections where you currently live your new address information. You can use the voter registration application to make the change, or you can submit in writing your new address. Voters must update their address with their local board of elections. For instructions on updating your address, please click here. The deadline to update your information is Wednesday, May 27.
Additional information about voting in Maryland is available on the Board of Elections website.