Hung Cao wins GOP nom in Virginia Senate primary

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Hung Cao is the projected winner of the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Virginia's primary election.

Cao’s biography includes fleeing Vietnam with his family as a child in the 1970s. In a campaign video, he compares Vietnam’s communist regime during the Cold War to today’s Biden Administration.

"We are losing our country," Cao said in a campaign ad, which blames Biden for the criminal cases against Trump and shows footage of border crossings and store lootings. "You know it. But you also know that you can’t say it. We’re forced to say that wrong is right. We’re forced to lie."

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Hung Cao on run for U.S. Senate

Virginia Republicans head to the polls next week to nominate their challenger to incumbent Sen. Tim Kaine (D), who's seeking a third term in the upper chamber. Hung Cao is Jim Lokay's guest on "The Final 5."

MORE: See all 2024 Virginia Primary Election results here.  

Cao told the AP that Kaine is a "rubber stamp" for Biden, while the GOP base is energized to end Kaine’s 30-year political career.

"If you want the nice guy up there, I’m not your guy," Cao added. "If you want somebody to go in and kick some tail, I’m your guy that’s going to get this done."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.