How to shovel snow without a shovel

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It’s been a while since the Washington, D.C. area has seen a significant and measurable snowfall.

So, it might not be unreasonable to think many in the area may not have a snow shovel handy. Now that upwards of 12 inches of snow could be on the ground by the end of the night, you’ll need some way to get ride of it.

Here are some ways you can try to remove the snow from your sidewalk and driveway without a shovel from


Grab a broom to clear light snow from your sidewalk, driveway, and car. A bristle brush might work better for the powdery flakes. A push broom will probably work better from the heavier snow.

Leaf blower

Turn on the leaf blower to help get the light snow cleared away. This might not work the best with wet and heavy snow. Snow blowers will work too – but they can be expensive.

Salt or ice melt

If you picked up a bag of ice melt from the hardware store, sprinkle it on the sidewalk before the snow - or after the snow falls – to help melt it. Rock salt works well and is usually inexpensive. Make sure to sweep away any excess salt from your walkway.

DIY De-icer

You can make a homemade de-icer with a gallon of hot water, a teaspoon of dish soap, and ½ cup of rubbing alcohol. It’s not as effective as rock salt or ice melt, they say. But it works in a pinch.


Lay a tarp down on the ground ahead of the snow. After the snow falls, lift the tarp and dump the snow off to the side. Use care not to injury yourself if the snow is wet and heavy.

More ways to get rid of snow without a shovel at

The Source: and FOX 5 reporting

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