If you've had it with the 2016 presidential election, you already know you're not alone. In exactly four weeks, voters will find themselves at the polls, faced with the job of picking the next president. Or will they?
While many of your Facebook friends are clearly on one side or the other (and you probably know exactly where they stand), there are lots of people who have chosen not to make a choice this time around. One of those people is FOX 5 DC Vice President and General Manager Patrick Paolini. He explained why in this post on Facebook:
"My only true political post of the election cycle: Many of you probably know, I love politics. I am a junkie when it comes to watching it, analyzing it, discussing strategy about it, etc. Many probably (based on my posts or tweets) might think they know where I stand on issues or what candidates I support. In some cases, you might be correct and others, you probably would not be.
I personally consider myself a fiscal conservative and social moderate. I've supported many candidates of both parties. I've supported policies across the entire political spectrum. And many of my thoughts on issues and policies have changed and shifted as I've learned more about them and how they impact family and friends. I am also and have been very open to listening and trying to understand all sides of issues.
However, I have truly had it with this election. I am just lost as to understand how our great country (and yes, I believe it is still great) ended up with these two candidates. Neither one, in my opinion, is worthy of the office.
This isn't about policy. I can disagree with someone on policy and still believe they are qualified for President or Senate, etc., but these two candidates have proven through years and through this election that neither one is. I understand it's a binary choice and one of them will win, and it's looking more and more like that will be Hillary. However, I personally will not vote for either.
I will unfortunately sit this presidential vote out. It's a shame that it has come to this. It's a shame that these are our choices. Many of you may disagree, and that's okay - no safe spaces here. But this one is a no-go for me."
Do you agree, or disagree? Share your take on our FOX 5 DC Facebook page.