First responders finish family's yardwork

First responders are trained to help in an emergency, even if that emergency requires shovels and gardening gloves.

Stacey Tomberlin, a U.S. Navy veteran, is well acquainted with the first responders in the Dallas area. Her son, Ryan, has epilepsy, autism and special needs and she told FOX 5 she's had to call for help many times.

"They become like family," Tomberlin said.

A few weeks ago, Ryan had a bad seizure. Tomberlin said her "crew of family" responded to the scene and several first responders noticed she was having a back issue.

Tomberlin said she had thrown her back out tossing bags of mulch and she made it worse when she tried to help Ryan during his seizure.

EMS workers noticed the bags of mulch were still scattered amongst her front yard near the shrubs, so they decided to do something about it. Without warning, they returned on their time off with friend to do the work for Tomberlin, who is a single mother.

"And it mattered enough for them to come help me. There are no words, because I'm used to doing it by myself. It means a lot. I'll be eternally grateful," Tomberlin told FOX 5.

"The gratitude I have is Immeasurable! Thank Ya'll from the bottom of my heart for going Way above the call of duty to help another out," she said.

The first responders that helped out work for Paulding, Cobb and Acworth.

On a side note: Ryan wanted FOX 5 to let everyone know he is going to prom with the homecoming queen -- way to go Ryan!