Fairfax Connector strike is over...for now

BURKE, VA- JANUARY 13: A Fairfax Connector bus rolls into position to take part in the press conference at the Burke Centre VRE Station launching Fairfax Connector service between this station and the Tysons transit bus station at Jones Branch Drive …

Fairfax Connector buses should be back to normal schedule this Monday morning, as the strike is over- for the moment. 
Late Sunday evening an agreement was reached between the two parties responsible for the impasse as they both agreed to return to normal operations while negotiations continue. 
In a statement from Fairfax County representatives on Sunday evening, they reported the "Fairfax Connector expects to resume regular operations with full weekday service on all routes tomorrow, Monday, Dec. 9, 2019, as the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1764, the union representing Fairfax Connector bus drivers and mechanics, and Transdev, Fairfax County’s contracted bus operator, have signed a back to work agreement while the negotiations on a new contract continue. Fairfax County is pleased that full Fairfax Connector service will be restored for our passengers and thanks them for their patience." 

ATU Transit Union President John Costa released the following statement on behalf of the workers involved in the strike: 

"With their unfair labor practice strike sending a strong message to contractor Transdev and accelerating progress in negotiations, Fairfax Connector workers have decided to return to work, and the multinational company rescinded their threat to fire any workers who were on strike."

“We still have items to negotiate, but our riders come first and foremost for us. We are going back to work because their support and that of elected officials and allies have helped us make significant advances at the table,” said ATU International President John Costa. “Our strike was a victory, sending a loud and clear message to Transdev that we won’t tolerate their unlawful tactics at the bargaining table. We do reserve the right to walk off the job again if the good faith bargaining by Transdev disappears.”