Explosive new details released in Donovan Hotel murder

The judge said there is "substantial evidence" against 19-year-old Dominique Johnson. She was arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit robbery on Wednesday. Johnson has no criminal record and was released into high intensity supervision, which means she will have to wear a monitoring bracelet.

Johnson is the live-in girlfriend of 21-year-old Jamyra Gallmon, who police charged with murdering David Messerschmitt.

According to charging documents, in an April 1 interview, Johnson told police that she knew Gallmon was going to commit a robbery and that they had discussed it in January. Johnson told police it was Gallmon's idea, and that she advised her against it.

Johnson first told police that she did not know that Gallmon was going to commit a robbery on February 9, and that she did not accompany Gallmon the night Messerschmitt was killed after posting a Craigslist ad soliciting a man. The victim was married to a woman.

Police then revealed to Johnson that they collected surveillance video from the CVS across the street from the hotel. At that point, according to the documents , Johnson said that she and Gallmon bought zip ties at the CVS to scare the victim. Zip ties, police say, were found interlocked and on the victim's fingers.

Johnson told police that she waited outside while Gallmon went into the hotel. After the crime, Johnson says the couple walked down 14th Street holding hands but not speaking. Once they boarded a bus to return home, Johnson says that Gallmon told her "it went bad" or words to that effect.

Johnson said that Gallmon admitted to stealing $40 and a SmartTrip card from the victim. Johnson says she used the card, which was seized by police.

Gallmon was due back in court April 10, but that has been rescheduled for May 8. Gallmon has admitted to the stabbing, but she pleaded not guilty through her attorney last week, citing an "imperfect self-defense."