DC teen boy, girl charged in 2 Chevy Chase carjackings

A 14-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy from D.C. are accused of threatening one female victim, and attacking another during two carjackings in Chevy Chase have been caught, according to police.

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Montgomery County police say that, on Jan. 21, the teenage suspects approached a female victim in the 2600 block of Spencer Lane and told her to give them the keys.

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After she surrendered the keys, the male suspect reportedly struck the victim in the face, then drove off in her Mercedes Benz.

The next day, the pair approached another female victim in the 4800 block of Essex Avenue and demanded that she turn over her keys to an Audi Q5.

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Montgomery County police say the two were caught driving the Audi on Saturday.

According to police, the pair are already facing charges in D.C., but declined to specify what crimes they’re accused of there.

Montgomery County police have applied to charge the pair through the Department of Juvenile services for the Maryland crimes.