DC Department of Public Works has spent about $8 million for snow removal this winter, official says

Almost midway through March, you won't find a lot of love for winter.

Words people around D.C. used to describe it Thursday included "cold," "crazy," "bleak," and "terrible." But officials at the city's Department of Public Works may use a different one: "expensive."

"Bigger year than normal, required a little bit of extra funding to get to the end," said DPW Director Chris Geldart. He added that the department has responded to 14 winter weather events so far this winter, more than the average 10 to 12.

It means the city has spent more money to remove the snow than was originally budgeted.

"It's the time of the folks getting out there, it's the wear and tear on the vehicles, it's the salt and the chemicals that we need to put out on the street to keep it clear," Geldart explained. "You know that adds up."

So just how much extra money are we talking about?

Geldart said DPW has spent about $8 million dollars for snow removal this winter, more than the $7.3 million that was initially budgeted. He said they're covering the additional costs with $1 million in contingency funding from the mayor.

"Suffice it say, we had a big season," he said, adding that the city has dipped into contingency funds before, including during the winter of 2016.

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