DC Cherry Blossoms halfway to peak bloom: National Park Service

D.C.'s cherry blossom trees, down at the Tidal Basin, are getting closer to reaching peak bloom. 

On Friday, the National Park Service announced via X that they're halfway there! 

The famous flowers have reached florets extended, which is the third of six stages. 

The progress comes just three days after NPS reported the cherry blossoms progressed to the florets visible stage. 

READ MORE: DC Cherry Blossoms: 2024 peak bloom prediction dates revealed

The agency expects them to reach peak bloom sometime between March 23-26.

Peak bloom is defined as when 70% of the blossoms have opened, revealing the magnificent pink and white blossoms. 

It typically occurs between the last week of March and the first week of April.


Washington, D.C.Wild NatureCherry Blossoms