DC area schools release mask guidance for fall sports

Schools across the region are releasing their fall sports mask guidelines as the new school year and season approaches.

In Washington, D.C., the District's State Athletic Association requires all student-athletes participating in indoor sports and activities wear masks regardless of their vaccination status.

They also recommend – but do not require -- all student-athletes participating in high-impact sports wear masks and be tested regularly for COVID-19.

In Fairfax County, masks are not required for outdoor activities. Masks are required for coaches and all players for indoor activities – which applies to all students and staff and to all practices, games and outdoor sports coming indoors for practices

In Montgomery County, face coverings are not required outdoors, but persons who are not fully vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear them while participating in sporting events. Masks must be worn at all times indoors, with a few exceptions. Officials say no masks are required during:

Cheerleading – when actively engaged in stunting/tumbling.

Gymnastics – masks shall not be worn while on apparatuses.

Wrestling – during wrestling matches, a mask could become a choking hazard and is discouraged

Montgomery County says spectators, coaches, and officials must wear masks at all times indoors.

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